Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Better Times

Things have improved, if only slightly, for our dear website. There has been a significant growth in visitors during this month, something which is very beneficial for us. FunFoll is getting popular, and it's about time, since the website soon turns 9 months since launch. We hope that during the next 3 months until we reach 1 year, we can deliver more quality content to our community and word of us will spread. Let's hope for the best.

Blog posts have been pretty rare, true, once a month, once here, once on the sister blog at WordPress. But I'm very busy with lots of projects. Also, I am the only person left in the team. I'm doing all the content adding and soon I will also start doing some minor developments at the website.

Here are a few great things directly from

At The Office

Sexy Seat Commercial

The Best Dancer Ever

Pictures Of The Year 2008