Thursday, 26 June 2008

Growing Up

We're very happy to announce that due to the advertising campaigns which we have recently launched for, our number of visitors has been growing a lot, which is very good, of course. We are now always above 1000 visitors per day, happily exceeding 2000 sometimes. We even rejoined Alexa's top 100K websites list. We are right now, today, ranked as 64604. Overall, for the past 3 months, we're at 139228, which isn't very good but isn't very bad either.

Of course, we hope that this growth will continue, but in order for things to be so, we need to keep working at our website, which isn't so easy right now, as we are very short in terms of resources. But the fight will continue, and we are not the ones to give up easily. We invested a lot of our scarce resources into these Google AdWords campaigns and I hope it wasn't for nothing... I hope will become big soon!

And now, something to reward you after reading such a huuuuge quantity of text ::- D.
George Carlin - Soft Language

Tuesday, 10 June 2008

More Advertising

Two Google AdWords Campaigns are now running. The last one was launched two days ago, for the Games section of our and another campaign will be launched next Sunday. And next Sunday. And next Sunday. Each Sunday this month, another AdWords Campaign will be launched. The major ones will be the two we already launched. The next three ones will have a smaller scope and will be meant only to popularize a few games and picture series which have a great potential of becoming popular.

So far, the Pictures and Games advertising Campaigns have brought us a bunch of visitors and we invested $550 in them. That might not be a lot, but it's all we can spare right now, as we have to support great hosting fees each month. We hope that from these funds, will grow to welcome at least 1000 visitors each day by the end of the month. If not, the Earth will explode.

And now... a great funny "How to" guide, from

How To Be Emo

Sunday, 1 June 2008

FunFoll is Launched!!!

We are extremely happy and thrilled to announce everybody that is Officially Launched as of today, the 1st of June, 2008!!! Today is the International Children's Day, and our is but a child right now, so, I think it's the best date to pick as our official launch.

The Launch started with the activation of our first Google AdWords campaign, which was initiated just a few hours ago. We will also start a popularization campaign with our friends and long time collaborators, trying to bring as many visitors as possible to our young but promising website. We intend to invest more funds in popularizing ourselves in the incoming period. Also, development will continue on the community section of the website, where we wish to allow users to add content directly on our servers.

For now, the future is still full of unknown, but we got a great working website, two dedicated servers to support it and a small but growing family of fans and great people who helped us and will continue to help us as we grow.

Let's hope only great things will happen from now on!!!

Here's something for you and your kids to enjoy!

Cute Pets!

FunFoll Begins!!! TODAY!!!